To participate, simply submit your entries on social media with the hashtag #GWSciArt_NSD2022 or submit your entries using this form. You can select from the following themes
-   “Gravity”
-   “Wave”
-   “Motion”
Feel free to choose your medium to express yourself! It could be a sketch, a painting, digital art, creative writing, poetry, photography or even a demo model. Write down in the description below the title of your creative project and how it expresses the theme. The best entries will be featured on the LIGO-India virtual gallery or showcased on National Science Day 2022.

Yashasvi Ghadale is an Engineering Physics undergraduate at the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi; and loves to pen down her thoughts in poetry.

Kanchan Soni is a doctoral student at the Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Pune, India.